
Showing posts from March, 2013

Licit & Illicit Drugs Missed the Connection

The book that provides this telling picture of what the drug war did for cigarettes, misses the agricultural mercantilism repression of Coca, for the promotion of Tobacco. It fails to cite any of the history of Coca's use as a 'Tobacco habit cure", nor of this concern of the USDA., such as with the targeting of Coca-Bola. It's chapter on "Coca Leaves" is perhaps this 623 page book's shortest, at a mere 3 pages. It's chapter "A Program for the Future" concerning Tobacco postulates the task of finding a less harmful substutute, without of course bothering to even mention the history of Coca's use here. Keeping carcinogenic smoke out of the lungs, however is only a parial solution.  Switching to cigars, pipes and chewing Tobacco does not eliminate the risk of cancers of the oral cavity.  Moreover, the bulk of the damage suffered by smokers is due to diseases of the heart and circulatory system- and it is the nicotine itself that has adve...

Coffee Coca Cola


Vin Mariani U.S. Penetration

Angelo Francois Mariani b. December 17, 1838 - d. April 1, 1914 Perhaps the best way to explain Mariani’s success, however, is the examination of Mariani and Company’s promotional materials and published consumer responses in the United States from 1886 to 1910. It seems clear that Mariani’s wine, and its many imitators, were quite popular in the United States during these years. Actual business records of the company do not seem to exist, but at least one unique source exists: The Efficacy of Coca Erythroxylon: Notes and Comments by Prominent Physicians , a Mariani pamphlet published in 1888 and apparently distributed as promotional material. Its contents include published letters from numerous doctors across the United States praising Mariani wine. 24 Of course, this data is not as reliable as say, sales figures, and certainly there could be letters received by the company that were unpublished. How...