
Showing posts from April, 2013

Coca Anti Addictive Effect

Consumption of Coca tea alleviates withdrawal syndrome from Coffee-caffeine, and Tobacco-nicotine- Have personally tried for Coffee withdrawal successfully   Recent (1980s+) research focused upon coca as substitute for concentrated forms of cocaine, rather than a substitute for caffeine and nicotine containing products Research previously (1870s+) indicates coca as a substitute for the stimulants - things containing caffeine or nicotine - and for depressants as opiates and alcohol ...

Breuer AAG Returns to Covington

Washington D.C. revolving door ... DOJ Criminal Division Head Lanny A. Breuer Returns to Covington As Vice Chair 3/28/2013 WASHINGTON, DC, March 28, 2013 — Lanny A. Breuer , most recently the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division at the U.S. Department of Justice, is returning to Covington & Burling as Vice Chair of the firm. Mr. Breuer’s practice will encompass a wide range of civil and criminal litigation matters, as well as governmental and internal investigations. As Covington’s Vice Chair, Mr. Breuer will work closely with senior leadership to implement the firm’s long-term strategy, with a particular focus on the firm’s international initiatives and practices. “We are extremely proud of Lanny’s outstanding and dedicated service to the nation, and we are delighted that he is returning to Covington,” said Timothy Hester , Chair of the firm’s management committee. “Lanny is one of the finest and most tale...

More About the Drug Policy Covington & Burling Connection

    "... We have received valuable advice from Marialuisa Gallozzi, the Covington and Burling associate assigned to take primary responsibility for advising the Foundation . Having Covington and Burling in our corner is a source of great comfort.” Arnold Trebach & Kevin Zeese March 1990 preface/introductory letter , in the 1988-1989 Drug Policy Foundation Biennial Report  April 1, 2013 Federal Triangle Interview #2 with Marialuisa S. Gallozzi, of Covington & Burling – about exploding the fallacy of the ‘war on drugs’ ML- Douglas Andrew, many thanks for illuminating my perspective on the evil nature of the “war on drugs”. You gave forth a more multidimensional approach and understanding of the war on drugs. One revealing it as a far worse problematic waste of money that’s tremendously under-appreciated. The ‘drug war’ really is not the great failure the academia’s have made it out to be. Rather it has been a great success --an on-going mega-boondoggle for pro...