A Needed Law Suit to Overturn Prohibition
what the Covington & Burling pro bono program ought to do from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_the_War_on_Drugs Several authors have put forth arguments concerning the legality of the War on Drugs . In his essay The Drug War and the Constitution , [1] Libertarian philosopher Paul Hager makes the case that the War on Drugs in the United States is an illegal form of prohibition, which violates the principles of a limited government embodied in the Constitution . Alcohol prohibition required amending the Constitution , because this was not a power granted to the federal government. Hager asserts if this is true, then marijuana prohibition should likewise require a Constitutional amendment. Federalism argument In her dissent in Gonzales v. Raich (a case argued by Randy Barnett ), Justice Sandra Day O'Connor argued that drug prohibition is an improper usurpation of the power to regulate interstate commerce , and the power to prohibit should be reserved ...