Missing from the DPA Conference
http://www.reformconference.org/program NO Panels on Coca, Opium nor Ibogaine nor any plants other than Marijuana NO Panels on how the drug war encourage more dangerous drug forms and how that was done to protect the most dangerous drug of all NO Panels on History- even at this final conference before next year's 100 anniversary of the infamous 1914 Co n gress Harrison Narcotics Act Nor anything regarding the Drug Policy Foundation-Alliance connection with Covington & Burling - perhaps the largest Washington D.C. law firm representative of big Tobacco and Pharma. Nor any indication yet of any scheduled appearance by their pharmaceutical industry attorney 'assigned primary responsibility for advising the [DP] foundation' - Marialuisa S. Gallozzi , nor any other such persons, regarding the Covington Tobacco-pharma influence over the direction of groups as the Drug Policy Foundation/now Alliance . Suggested blog labels "Covington & Burling", "Drug Polic...