
Showing posts from March, 2015

Confessions of Herbert Kleber

Herbert Kleber under the influence of buprenorphine? I have to get this off my chest. I have been a total shill for the status quo. I twist science in order to make it fit just as those would do in the old USSR to conform to that state's failed economic policies. Consider this.  I make a living bashing Cannabis, in order to support massive human rights violations required for keeping it illegal. Yet when have I ever called for such prohibitionist polices towards alcohol? I am as bad as all of these police unions.  They know how any times they are called to deal with alcohol related violence, and how rarely if ever anything related to Marijuana, asides perhaps from that which has been adulterated with something like PCP.  yet all they care about is their police overtime, busting, excuse me, kidnapping and stealing hapless drug dealers, excuse me, non officially approved pharmacist merchants, and being able to get away with shooting the family pet to death. And I also make ...

Self Styled "Quackbuster" JAMA editor 'Dr' Morris Fishbein "instrumental in helping the tobacco companies conduct acceptable "scientific" testing to substantiate their claims"

AMA Quack Morris Fishbein Morris Fishbein M.D. (July 22, 1889 – September 27, 1976) was a physician with surprisingly little clinical experience but despite this he became the editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association ( JAMA ) from 1924 to 1950. In 1961 he became the founding Editor of Medical World News , a magazine for doctors. In 1970 he endowed the Morris Fishbein Center. [1] He was also notable for exposing quacks , notably the goat-gland surgeon John R. Brinkley , and campaigning for regulation of medical devices. excerpt Fishbein was a medical doctor who did not practice medicine. He was, however, an effective advocate for conventional medicine and a vocal critic of unconventional treatments. Shortly after he became head of the AMA, he wrote several books sharply critical of "medical quackery." He called ch...

Obama Thrusts His Foot Down His Throat

by attempting to belittle cause of Cannabis Legalization; ignoring its relevance to human rights, the environment, energy security, and health care reported at Drug War Rant Why marijuana isn’t at the bottom of the list President Obama : “Let’s put it in perspective,” Obama said in response. “Young people, I understand this is important to you, but you should be thinking about climate change, the economy, jobs, war and peace, maybe way at the bottom you should be thinking about marijuana.” That, of course, completely misses the point regarding what “thinking about marijuana” actually is about. Tom Angell: “But he should think again about how important this issue is. On average, there’s a marijuana possession arrest in the U.S. about every minute. Billions of dollars are wasted on enforcing prohibition laws that don’t stop anyone from using marijuana but do ruin people’s lives with damaging criminal ...

1902 LA Times Deceitful Spin On Coca Cola

THEY THIRST FOR COCAINE LA Times February 25, 1902 Soda Fountain Fiends Multiplying,%E2%80%9D&f=false Slaves to the “Coca Cola” Habit.   [nameless] Los Angeles Physician Says it is as dangerous as any “Dope”. Soda-fountain proprietors struck a bonanza when the drink coca cola was introduced, for all of the beverages sprung on a public desiring variety and change it stands first in favor, and its popularity, instead of waning, is on the increase. That is what the men behind the marble counters in Los Angeles say.   They even go further and claim for the brown beverage qualities peculiar to those potions which make habitués or “fiends” of their drinkers. YESTERDAY’S ILLUSTRATION A well dre...

Commonwealth of Virginia's Contempt For Revelations 22

The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations 6th grade honor student suspended for 1 year, evaluated by a psychiatrist, and charged with Marijuana possession for possessing a tree leaf! excerpt - All of this is laid out in jaw-dropping detail by Dan Casey in a story in the Roanoke Times today . While the juvenile court dropped its case against the student after the tests turned up negative, the school system has been far less forgiving. That's because stringent anti-drug policies in school districts in Virginia and elsewhere consider "imitation" drugs to be identical to real ones for disciplinary purposes. The school's lawyer, Jim Guynn, is quoted in the Roanoke Times article defending the policy on the basis that "it's a pretty standard policy across the Commonwealth." In 2011, for insta...