Confessions of Herbert Kleber
Herbert Kleber under the influence of buprenorphine? I have to get this off my chest. I have been a total shill for the status quo. I twist science in order to make it fit just as those would do in the old USSR to conform to that state's failed economic policies. Consider this. I make a living bashing Cannabis, in order to support massive human rights violations required for keeping it illegal. Yet when have I ever called for such prohibitionist polices towards alcohol? I am as bad as all of these police unions. They know how any times they are called to deal with alcohol related violence, and how rarely if ever anything related to Marijuana, asides perhaps from that which has been adulterated with something like PCP. yet all they care about is their police overtime, busting, excuse me, kidnapping and stealing hapless drug dealers, excuse me, non officially approved pharmacist merchants, and being able to get away with shooting the family pet to death. And I also make ...