
Showing posts from November, 2015

Coca 'Community Session' Panel at Drug Policy Alliance Conference

The first Coca panel  at a DPA conference ever- though not as a plenary or workshop, some 20 years after the last and only Coca panel - as a workshop - at the DPA predecessor organization's conference, the Drug Policy Foundation, moderated by yours truly in 1995 Coca: A Missing Frontier in Drug Policy Reform Rosslyn 2 | 8:30am – 9:30am Coca and coca-derived substances lie at the heart of drug policy, enforcement and use in Latin America, yet it is an often overlooked topic in drug policy reform circles. This community session will provide a background to coca, will stimulate discussion on how we can best approach and address coca cultivation and markets, and will consider how we can connect this issue to the wider drug policy reform movement. - Despite the early hour - 8:30 AM, the panel was attended by about 25 people.

Cocaine Content of Some Early 20th Century Products

and USDA prosecutions with zero showing of any actual harms from the cocaine content Cocaine content of beverages in milligrams per fluid ounce Wiseola        under 1 mg Celery Cola        under 1 mg Koca Nola        under 1 mg Kola Coca        5 mg Vin Mariani        6-8 mg Kola Cardinette    9 mg Maltine with Coca    9 mg Coca Cordial        30 mg Metcalf Coca Wine    32 mg Wiseola - under 1 mg per fluid ounce Celery Cola - under 1 mg per fluid ounce http://con...

Medicinal Coca

Image Botanical name:  Erythroxylum coca Erythroxylum novogranatense var. truxillense Coca leaves are the product of Erythroxylum Coca , Lam. (Bolivian or Huanuco leaves), and of E. truxillense , Rusby (Peruvian or Truxillo leaves), shrubs (N.O. Lineae) cultivated in Bolivia, Peru, and Ceylon whence the leaves are imported into Europe. Coca, U.S.P., must yield not less than 0.5 per cent. of the ether-soluble alkaloids of coca. Bolivian coca leaves are oval in outline and vary from 3.5 to 7 centimetres in length, and from 25 to 35 millimetres in breadth. They are brownish-green in colour and are generally well preserved. The veinlets are prominent on the upper surface, and the midrib, which projects at the apex, in the form of a minute horny apiculus, is seen under the lens to lie in a depression, and to bear a distinct raised ridge on the upper surface. On the under surface of the leaf two curved lines run from ...

Vin Mariani- The Latter Years

Historical accounts of Vin Mariani focus perhaps exclusively upon the years prior to the prohibition era. Here is a bit of the history following the 1906 U.S. Food and Drug Act that effectively blacklisted cocaine via including it on a list of ingredients that had to be labeled, though not including the other popularly used stimulants of caffeine and nicotine. 1907: Vin Mariani for the U.S. market deleted the cocaine, adding a rear side label- see below.  I don't yet have information if they continued to provide the regular version as an alternative. GUARANTEED BY MARIANI & Co. UNDER THE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT JUNE 30, 1906; SERIAL No. 448 VIN MARIANI [MARIANI WINE] 17 PER CENT ALCOHOL BY VOLUME AN IMPORTED FRENCH BORDEAUX WINE WITH A SPECIAL  PROCESSING OF LEAVES OF ERYTHROXYLON COCA PREPARED AND BOTTLED AT OUR NEW YORK FACILITY  MARIANI AND COMPANY PARIS, FRANCE: 41 Boulevard Haussman.   NEW YORK: 52 West 15th Street   "THE STANDARD OF MARIANI PREPARATION...

Dilute Cocaine in Vin Mariani, Coca-Cola & Harvey Wiley - According to Steven B. Karch

A Brief History of Cocaine - Steven B. Karch pp 100-102 If our drug policies appear convoluted today, think how they must have looked to the owners of the Coca-Cola Company just after the turn of the century.  In 1911, company officials found themselves in federal court, charged with, among other things, not putting cocaine in Coca- Cola.  Popular histories of this period usually lump Coca-Cola with the [sic] other quack nostrums [sic- a nostrum is simply a medicated liquid meant to be take orally], often suggesting that the problem of cocaine abuse in America was, in some way, connected to the successes of the Coca-Cola Company.  Except for the titillation factor, the idea has little to recommend it.  Even when Coca-Cola contained cocaine, the amounts were trivial; too small to produce measurable physiological or behavioral changes.  Coca-Cola was not responsible for America's cocaine problem, but government harassment of the Atlanta soft drink maker did mark ...

DPF Denied 1997 Opium-Coca Panel

a re-post from 1997 about the Drug Policy Foundation's denial of a proposed panel on Opium and Coca for their conference that year in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Drug Policy Foundation (DPF) was the predecessor organization to the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), that was created in 2000 with the DPF's merger with the Lindesmith Institute that was headed by Ethan Nadelmann- current DPA Executive Director.   The President of the DPA's Board of Directors, Ira Glasser meanwhile served on the Board of Directors of the DPF.  The DPA had been founded by Kevin Zeese from the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML), with Dr. Arnold S. Trebach of American University in 1986, who had left the organization in 1997. The Drug Policy Foundation, and the Drug Policy Alliance have been advised through the bro bono program of Covington & Burling , Washington D.C.'s leading corporate food, pharmaceutical and Tobacco industry law firm founded by an instrumental figure in est...

Stupid Approaches on Marijuana Admits Their Frustration

Until now I've had a policy of not banning people from this page. SAM Oregon is not just a page on Facebook, we are an official organization that operates in Oregon. I am not just the page Admin, but the Director of this organization. I have been tasked to monitor the implementation of measure 91 and to track the stats with this implementation. If you disagree with anything posted to this page, that's fine. Don't come back with unsubstantiated information or propagand a. If trolling and being insulting is all you're looking for the best option is to leave this page on your own accord. I watched as lies were spread during the Measure 91 campaign and I will not tolerate it on this page. This is your one and only warming. If it continues I will not hesitate to block you. And no it is not an attempt to suppress information that opposes mine, it is to keep the the lies from spreading. You will not stop us from getting the truth out. Two reasons I ...

Nadelmann IGNORES Economic Reasons- Focusing Exclusively Upon Racism

ZERO mention of market-control mercantilism of the war to protect Tobacco cigarettes and synthetic pharmaceuticals Focuses EXCLUSIVELY upon racism as fears of Chinese Opium smokers and Black cocaine sniffers respectively in the western and south-eastern United States of America