Aug 27 Dana Beal Nebraska Trial Scheduled

New trial date set for Dana's bench (no jury) trial: Monday, August 27, 2012.
From the Nebraska court calender:
Beal,Irvin,D, 08/27/2012 8:30AM 01
Trial to Court State v. Irvin D Beal CR090000091

Dana's contact info in jail as of April 20, 2012

Dana's trial in Nebraska for transport of medical marijuana is scheduled to begin on August 27, 2012. He needs financial support and support in the form of letters to be written to Judge Mary Gilbride and to be mailed to his attorney, Glenn Shapiro. (Do not mail them to the judge.)
Please write those letters of support for Dana ASAP. "They" are not allowing a medical marijuana defense, so those letters are extremely important! They will be used as a "proffer", i.e. evidence not permitted at trial that is entered into the record, to be used at appeal.

If the judge gets a thousand letters, "they'll" HAVE to take it seriously, one would think!
The letters should attest to the validity of medical marijuana (write about your own personal experiences or those of friends and family). Also write about Dana's history of helping suffering people.

In September, 2011, while awaiting transfer from jail to prison in Wisconsin after pleading guilty and being sentenced on a similar charge, Dana had a heart attack, which resulted in double-bypass open heart surgery. One week after returning to prison this past February, he had another heart attack and a stent had to be placed. He has other serious medical issues which are not being addressed in prison.

Irvin Dana Beal ID # 6669
Saunders County Jail
387 North Chestnut Street, Suite 4
Wahoo, NE 68066

402-443-8167 - main jail number
402-443-5660 - front desk/visitation


Monday, August 27, 2012 at 9:30 am CDT, Room 1: TRIAL in Nebraska is scheduled to begin.

From the Nebraska court calender:
Beal,Irvin,D, 08/27/2012 8:30AM 01

Trial to Court State v. Irvin D Beal CR090000091

Dana needs people to go and support him.
Details will be posted as we get them. Stay tuned...


Write the letter to:

Judge Mary Gilbride
Saunders District Court
387 North Chestnut Street
Wahoo, Nebraska 68066

Then put the date.

The salutation is "Your Honor:".

Sign it "Respectfully" or "Respectfully Yours".
Then write your signature.
Underneath your signature, print your name and address.

Mail the letter to:

Glenn Shapiro, Attorney at Law
Schaefer and Shapiro, LLP
1001 Farnam Street, Suite 300
Omaha, NE 68102

Mail it Certified, no return receipt, and track it on the USPS (United States Post Office) website. That way you know whether or not it got delivered to Mr. Shapiro. If it did not, re-send your letter, please.

If anyone has a good model letter to post, that may facilitate the writing of more letters.


LETTERS and MONEY may be put in the same envelope.
Be sure to write your full name and return address on the envelope.
Money must be in the form of a POSTAL MONEY ORDER.
DO NOT SEND bank money orders or cashier's checks!
Mail money "Certified", so you can track it on the computer on the USPS (United States Postal Service) website and know it got delivered. (You don't need to get a return receipt.)

BOOKS must come directly from the publisher or a bookseller. They must be new. The receipt, including all charges, must be in the package, so do not send them as a gift or the receipt will not include the price, tax, shipping and handling. Books from the store will include the receipt. Check with other vendors selling through Amazon before ordering. Many do not ship to prisons.

No violence, nudity, or any other subject matter you think a prison would not allow.
Keep in mind that you want him to actually receive what you're sending!

First class mail will automatically be forwarded to another jail or prison for one year. (If he's released, then he has to provide the forwarding address to them.) Magazines and books will be forwarded for 60 days.


Calls are limited to 15 minutes each. They are recorded.

The phones are on from 8:00 am until 10:30 pm Central Time, except during inmate counts and meals.

Securus is the phone provider.

To contribute to Dana's Securus phone account, which allows him to call any number on his call list:

Go to:
--> "Inmate Debit Account"

Click on:
"Fund Your Inmate's Account Now"

Find an inmate:
Search by Inmate Name
Irvin Beal
NE (Nebraska)
Saunders County Jail; Wahoo

Select the inmate you want to fund:
Beal, Irvin Dana; #6669; Saunders County Jail; Wahoo

You may put in between $25 and $100 at any given time.
There is a $6.95 set-up fee.
Therefore, you will be charged between $31.95 and $106.95, depending on how much you put into the account.

Calls from the jail to NY cost 60 cents per minute with a $2.50 connection fee.
Therefore, one 15-minute call costs $11.50, or $46 for four 15-minute calls.

$31.95 will buy Dana two 15-minute calls to NY, leaving $2.00 in the account.
$106.95 will buy Dana eight 15-minute calls to NY plus one 9-minute call to NY.

If you wish to put money into Dana's account by phone, call customer service 24/7 at:

Press 3 to fund an inmate's account. You will be placed on hold for customer service.
The customer service rep will ask the name of the jail (Saunders County Jail) and the name (Irvin Dana Beal).
Then you tell the rep how much you want to put into the account ($25 to $100) and give your credit card information.

This is also the number to call if you have any problems with putting money into Dana's account, online.


Bryon Walker, Attorney at Law
PO Box 10
La Farge, WI 54639

Glenn Shapiro, Attorney at Law
Schaefer and Shapiro, LLP
1001 Farnam Street, Suite 300
Omaha, NE 68102

Thank you very much!


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