hopelessly confused between MJ and PCP; willfully obtuse about market dynamics of prohibition and likelier adulteration; willful prostitute for prison industry Mary Turner · Top Commenter Nancy, you continuously hurt your personal campaign against pot when you attempt to use this type of criminal act to try to prove your uninformed ‘point’. Please do your research and see what horrible affects PCP has on a person and all of the horrible things people do on PCP. I don’t think you realize that when you try to make your uninformed ‘point’ with this type of story, you only end up causing people to defend pot, even those that are not really ’for’ it, rather than condemn it. Intelligent, informed, non-bias and above all, ACCURATE information could/would go a whole lot farther in your misguided campaign. So far, every ’story’ you have ’used’ has been flawed with incomplete/inaccurate information, with a very transparent/obvious bias ’spin’, which does nothing more than lessen yo...