Dick Nixon on Vodka-Cigarette Protectionist Russia

Richard Nixon- a traitor to the U.S. Constitution who signed that un-contitutional, immoral set of junk statutes known as the Controlled substances act of 1970
Do you think the Russians allow dope? 
Hell no. Not if they can allow, not if they can catch it, they send them up. 
You see, homosexuality, dope, immorality in general:

'Dope' a self descriptive term for supporters of the alcohol-Virginia Bright Leaf Tobacco cigarette protectionist- all substances infinitely more toxic then Cannabis, Coca leaves or Opium.

Nixon represents a false 'Protestant Christianity' that actually bows to satan and the satanic 3rd piller of Rome.

If any substance is worthy of the name 'dope', it's  Rusia's choice of Vodka which too many Russians drink themelves into a stupor daily.




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