
Showing posts from December, 2014

Nebraska Alcohol Protectionists Seek to Abuse Constitution

Scalia: an alcohol protectionist that favors abusing the 'supremacy clause'  to support pharmacratic inquisition junk statutes against Marijuana What a HUGE hypocrite Nebraska is! - From Russ Belville: "The tiny town of Whiteclay, Nebraska, population 10, holds the distinction of being the US town with the greatest beer sales per capita of any American town. This town of 10 has four licensed off-sale beer stores that sold 3.6 million cans of beer in 2013, or almost 10,000 cans of beer per day. How is that possible? Well, Whiteclay, you see, lies on the northern Nebraska border with South Dakota, where it directly abuts the Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Indian Nation on the Pine Ridge Reservation. And Pine Ridge has maintained absolute alcohol prohibition... [where]alcoholism affects an estimated 8...

The AMA and The New England Journal of Medicine Owe The World an Apology

The New England Medical Journal and organizations as the American Medical Association propagandize for the perversion of a profession that has largely relied upon illegal and immoral tactics to confuse the public about herbal based medicine, particularly confusing dilute and ultra concentrated forms of cocaine use, while shilling for tobacco cigarettes.  This has resulted in a market distortion that killed over 100 million people during the last century with the suppression of Coca, which the USDA recognized as a market threat to Tobacco, while harming health with petrochemical patent medicines known today as pharmaceuticals to say nothing about the harms of drug prohibition and the miseries caused by its enforcement.  It epitomizes a bloated profession that has bilked the public out of billions of dollars that should be sued for medical fraud and human rights violations. From The New England Journal of Medicine review of the book Quack, Quack, Quack: The Sellers of Nostru...

Today Is the 100th Anniversary of Woodrow Wilson Signing the Harrison 'Narcotics' Act

to pervert opiates and cocaine into concentrated drugs via a criminal scheme to protect synthetic patent - pharmaceutical - medications and Virginia Bright leaf cigarettes Woodrow Wilson signing Federal Reserve Act (no picture on the Internet of him signing the Harrison 'Narcotics' Act) Virginia Bright Leaf cigarette ad in medical journal highlighting the despicable alliance between big pharma and big tobacco

Rep. Andy Harris Pharma Conflict of Interest

The 'Republican' Congressman from Maryland who is insisting upon maintaining the unconstitutional and immoral ban on Marijuana has a pharmaceutical connection: "Shortly after his success in blocking the District voters' will, several media outlets revealed a serious conflict of interest involved in his stance on marijuana reform. It came to light that Harris' third largest campaign donor is the pharmaceutical corporation Emergent BioSolutions, based in Rockville, Maryland. One of Emergent's products is epsil, "a fast-acting treatment that reduces the pain associated with oral mucositis," which is a common complication of chemotherapy from cancer treatment. Marijuana has been recognized formally in a number of states as having immense therapeutic potential for cancer patients. In fact, in states where medical marijuana has legalized, the numb...

Prohibitionist GUILT

- for protecting more intrinsically dangerous substances from safer substances, and for perverting safer substances into more dangerous forms from Facebook: Malcom Kyle Every single prohibitionist is drenched in blood. Blood from forcing people to chose alcohol and nicotine over a far safer alternative. Blood from forcing the ill and dying to use killer prescription drugs instead of marijuana. And blood from forcing people to buy from violent black market criminals. Douglas Andrew Willinger As well as blood from perverting Opium and Coca into CONCENTRATED opiates and cocaine taken in CONCENTRATED doses. Imagine affecting caffeine or nicotine use as done with cocaine. Likewise imagine doing to alcohol what we do with opiates in medicine, eliminating beverages in favor of concentrated pills and injections, and adulterating with Tylenol to discourage-punish users. http://freedomofmedicineanddie...

Criminal 'Defense' Attorneys May Include Our Biggest Traitors to Drug Policy Reform

From the comments section of an article 'Beyond Marijuana- Legalize All Drugs' By Froma Harrop An exchange with a criminal 'defense' attorney that says " I don't even want to hear the synthetic vs. natural argument because it's just plain stupid" , and elsewhere "I'm a criminal defense attorney who has handled literally thousands of pounds worth of marijuana cases, most of that weight being Mexican pot pulled off I-40" - makes a living leaching off the public and clients via processing countless drug cases.  He is potentially dependent upon the other drugs remaining illegal. Bill Griggs msmassachusetts • 22 days ago Alcohol is legal. We're talking about illegal drugs. Alcohol does cause enormous harms in this country though, no doubt about that. If I had a nickle for every time I heard a victim/witness/family member in a case talk about what a great guy the...