Rep. Andy Harris Pharma Conflict of Interest

The 'Republican' Congressman from Maryland who is insisting upon maintaining the unconstitutional and immoral ban on Marijuana has a pharmaceutical connection:

"Shortly after his success in blocking the District voters' will, several media outlets revealed a serious conflict of interest involved in his stance on marijuana reform. It came to light that Harris' third largest campaign donor is the pharmaceutical corporation Emergent BioSolutions, based in Rockville, Maryland. One of Emergent's products is epsil, "a fast-acting treatment that reduces the pain associated with oral mucositis," which is a common complication of chemotherapy from cancer treatment. Marijuana has been recognized formally in a number of states as having immense therapeutic potential for cancer patients. In fact, in states where medical marijuana has legalized, the number of pharmaceutical pain killers prescribed has dropped significantly. The congressman has not explicitly addressed this issue, but it is now clear Harris has not disclosed an important conflict of interest surrounding his recent activity against marijuana reform." 

Harris is an anesthesiologist- a class of doctors with access to some strange drugs as PCP and Ketamine.  Perhaps he was imbibing, and became a victim of demonic possession?


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